Tuesday, November 7, 2006

More anti-biking legislation!!!

Motor Cycle Industry Association calls on Lords to prevent Off-Road Motorcycling disaster

In a press release today the MCI (Motorcycle Industry Association)draws attention to the Second reading of the The Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) bill.

MCI’s Craig Carey-Clinch said; “ The new law demonstrates a lack of respect for the law-abiding motorcyclist and will mainly serve to penalise and criminalise many because of the inappropriate and irresponsible behaviour of a few.
“Illegal use will continue, and use of the remaining legitimate routes will increase until they are saturated. Other routes will become fragmented and the character of them will change. The very character of our ancient RoW network is reliant on vehicular use which helps to keep them open and of a suitable width. Ramblers can only create footpaths, vehicle use preserves the historic appearance of RoWs and stops them from becoming overgrown and inaccessible.
“This is another example of intolerance towards minority interests. Problems have been exaggerated, attempts to enter meaningful dialogue have been rebuffed and alternative strategies rejected. The rambler and environmental lobby has weaved blatant dislike and an intolerance of alternative lifestyles into the language of reason, in a successful attempt to present a case which is out of proportion to the real problem. The voice of reasonable and co-operative users is drowned out.”

It seems to me( Jon Booth) that at every opportunity in this country the legitmate freedoms of law abiding motorcyclists are been withdrawn or challenged. If we motorcyclists, as an interest group do not fight to defend our freedoms to lawfully enjoy motorcycling, the current generations of motorcyclists may be the last to do so!!!

What do you think, let us at www.inter-bike.co.uk know?

Ride safe.

Jon Booth

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